I work with clients on a variety of topics, ranging from specific, practical goals that may be covered in one or two sessions, to ongoing personal development. If you’re unsure whether my services may be right for you, please don’t hesitate to get in touch and ask.
Areas I work with include:
Relationships and friendships
Building communication skills
Identifying and working toward life purpose
Exploring your spirituality and improving spiritual connection
Overcoming a lack of purpose/motivation or feeling ‘stuck’
Managing and helping mild low mood
Managing and helping mild stress and anxiety
Improving your mindset
Identifying and challenging limiting beliefs
Working toward personal ambitions and goals
Challenging and changing habits
Building confidence, self-esteem and self-belief
Building social skills and social engagement
Finding hobbies and activities
Setting and achieving goals
Managing scheduling and work-life balance
Questioning and changing jobs or career
Finding a career that suits your values and abilities
Working toward career ambitions and goals
... Not on this list? Please ask!